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180 One Eighty Solutions

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We are a UAE company that builds, manages, and markets online businesses. We are blessed to be based in Dubai, the “place to be” in the Middle East.
We believe in the vision of the leaders: that we can be the number one. We believe that we, the Arabs in general and the Emiratis in particular, can excel in anything we put our minds to. We believe that given the right opportunity, we can do great things and truly go places. At 1Eighty Communities, we sell and market the right ideas and products to the whole world from day one. We THINK BIG: that is the advantage of what we do. With the global reach of the Internet, we can grow far beyond any local market. When it comes to our own business, we are determined to be the leading hub, the first stop, the all-in-one home base for small businesses and anyone with big ideas. And we will not settle for anything less than first place.
