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32 Care Pharmacy

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32Group is a worldwide holding company, committed to long-term business strategies in the communities we serve. Our brief yet insightful company slogan, "Global Company, Global Vision" best describes our corporate philosophy.

Our group of companies is involved in the key-economies; the Americas, Europe and Asia as well as in the emerging regions of the world such as the Middle East, Africa, CIS-countries, India and China. 32Group links demand and supply by using its vast global network of independent resources and long-term experience, and working closely with members and partners with whom it has been engaged for decades.

From the America's to Asia to Africa to Europe, 32Group has the world covered; and that's where our strength lies. From our offices all around the globe, our dedicated and knowledgeable team is ready and able to work with you, getting your products into almost every country as well as efficiently providing any of your product or service sourcing requirements. Due to our excellent global financing opportunities, 32Group is in a position to ensure and secure trade as well as payments to suppliers worldwide.

32Group is remarkably well positioned within the major world economies as it continuously strives to expand its business possibilities in a constant endeavor towards excellence.
