Fifty One @ Business Bay

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  • Business Bay, Dubai


Fifty one @ Business Bay will feature a landscaped area and lavish retail spaces, comprising a shopping arcade and coffee shops. Its impressive lobby, spread over 3238 sq feet, and state-of-the-art amenities will make it one of the finest addresses on Business Bay. Fifty one @ Business Bay’s impressive design is a fusion of functionality, convenience and elegance. Fifty one @ Business Bay is a perfect instance of Deyaar’s understanding of the customer’s profile and investor expectations. Its striking location - overlooking the lake and island - also adds an element of exclusivity to Fifty one @ Business Bay. The lobby in 51 is extremely impressive, It is approximately 3238 sq.ft. and is 3.8 meter high, First impressions matter, The imposing lobby at 51 is the perfect start. Spread across approximately 11,195 sq.ft. of retail area, the shopping arcade has well-appointed shops, lined with shelves that are stacked with the best merchandise the city has to offer. The coffee shop is relaxed and has a quiet elegance. It is the perfect place to unwind with a business associate. Or rustle up an impromptu meeting. To make business run smoothly, we have equipped Fifty One @ Business Bay with the best facilities 24-hour manned security, Emergency lighting system, High speed internet connectivity, Closed circuit TV system, Public address system, Backup power system, District cooling, 4 levels of basement and 3 levels of podium parking.
