MISSION To provide the most comforting, individualised and dedicated state-of-the-art surgical treatment to patients with Ear, Nose and Throat diseases for whom surgery is indicated and necessary. To provide caring and reassuring professional environment to the patients both at the clinic and the hospital by adhering to the highest ethical standards expected from the surgeons. To always thrive to achieve perfection in thetechnical and technological innovations.VISIONTo accomplish excellence in advancing and evolving the highest level of care of patients with Ear, Nose and Throat diseases by optimizing the surgical results performed in a humane and cordial environment.CODE OF ETHICS1. To consider practice of ENT Care as a noble service and not as a profitable business.2. Maximize patient’s satisfaction.3. Perform procedures with highest safety standards.4. Maintain privacy and ensure confidentiality.5. Discourage surgery if it is not indicated or alternative treatment exists or if it carries high risk.6. Commitment to constant improvement.