ADMA-OPCO  Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company Logo

ADMA-OPCO Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company

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Thank you for visiting our website! Navigate our website in its entirety to find all the information you need. For those of you coming across our name for the first time, carry on reading to know more about us. Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company, ADMA-OPCO in brief, is a major producer of oil and gas from the offshore areas of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The Company prides itself in being a pioneering petroleum organisation in this part of the world, having completed over 45 years of oil and gas production.

The story of ADMA-OPCO and its progression over the years is reflected in the phenomenal transformation of Abu Dhabi itself from an island characterised by simple dwellings, with fishing and pearl-diving as the main source of living, to a modern cosmopolitan city, encompassing multi- faceted businesses.
