Air India Express - Ras Al Khaimah Logo

Air India Express - Ras Al Khaimah

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Welcome aboard Air India Express, India's first international airline that offers great value for money and efficient service. Our mission is to provide convenient connectivity in the short-range routes at the most affordable prices to passengers.

Air India Express is a subsidiary of Air India and operates mostly from the Indian state of Kerala to the Middle East and Southeast Asia and has about 100 flights per week. The airline was owned by Air India Charters Limited, a subsidiary of Air India Limited but is now owned by it directly. The airline began operations on 29 April 2005 with a flight from Thiruvananthapuram to Abu Dhabi. Delivery of the first aircraft for Air India Express took place on 22 February 2005 when the airline leased a new production Boeing 737-86Q from Boullioun Aviation Services. As of February 2014 the airline had a 20 plane fleet, which included the Boeing 737-800.
