Al Fareeda International LLC Logo

Al Fareeda International LLC

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Established in 1998 in Kuwait by Abul Kalam, the enthusiastic young and dashing son of the group’s founder “Jamal Mohamed”. Al Najma Al Fareeda International, “A complete facilities Management Solution” emphasizes its special focus on Cleaning, Security and Building Maintenance.

It earned great success in the land of Kuwait, the oil-rich land of the Arabian Peninsula, principally for introducing modern concepts in its areas of operations.

As such, the group has imprinted its name among the prominent clients of Kuwait through the direct leadership of Jamal Mohamed who has further contributed to the world class stature and global recognition of the Group.

Al Najma Al Fareeda galloped to other world destinations including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Malaysia after the towering success with new services and products.
