Al Razi Pharmaceuticals Company Logo

Al Razi Pharmaceuticals Company

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Al Razi Group in brief, is a well-established & well-connected HealthCare Group in the UAE and the Gulf, for the last 30 years. Our Group staff strength of more than 400 personnel.

The headquarters of Al Razi Group is located in Abu Dhabi with regional offices in Dubai and Al Ain. In addition, we have representative offices in Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon & Canada.

We also own large warehouses in this area and in the Free Zones and retail pharmacy outlets.

Al Razi Group has executed numerous Turnkey Hospital Equipping Projects and Turnkey Hospital Maintenance Projects. Our Bio Medical Engineering team comprises of more than 70 Bio Medical Engineers and Technicians. We distribute more than 80 HealthCare Companies, some of the key companies we represent are Baxter, Roche, Varian, Dornier etc.

Please find below in brief the scopes and the activities of our Group Companies;

Al Razi Pharmacy Co is involved in the Supply of Sophisticated Medical, and Laboratory Equipment including Installation & Maintenance, turnkey Hospital Equipping & Maintenance, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Supplies, etc. The annual turnover is 60% of the Group.
Ibn Khaldoon Imaging is a prime performer with an Installed Equipment base of more than half Billion Dirhams. It’s activity includes Supply and Maintenance of highly sophisticated Imaging Products in the range of MRI Scanners, CT Scanners, X-Ray and Vascular Equipments, Gamma Camera, Ultrasound, Patient Monitoring, Film Processors and Laser Cameras, Radiation Protection Products, etc.
Ibn Khaldoon Contracting is the construction arm of the group, which has till this date accomplished construction projects of circa Dirhams 75 million. Major projects done are , Highly Complex and Complicated Tawam Radiotherpy Center, Gulf Diagnostic Center Abu Dhabi, and numerous specialized constructions, such as MRI Suites including RF Shielding, CT scanner and Angio Suites including Lead Shielding etc
Ibn Khaldoon Trading is the supply arm of the group for project related non-medical items for the Hospital and its complexes, which ncludes supply of high quality interiors, electromechanical, electrical and electronic items, etc. This division has achieved a turnover of more than Dirhams 50 Million in a very short period of time since its inception
Gulf Diagnostic Center the multi Million Dirhams State of the Art Medical Center with sophisticated Equipment in Imaging, Cardiology, Laboratory including Telemedicine and Teleradiology link to Mayo and Cleveland for second opinion. Our Diagnostic Center is run by highly qualified Western Trained Professionals. An annex to build a 50 Bed Hospital is in progress, in phases.
The company has executed on a Turnkey Basis the Complete Hospital Equipping Projects, which includes Supply and Installation and in some cases, Civil Construction. Some Key Projects are:
Tawam Radiotherapy
Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Hospital
Preventive Medicine – Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi Rehabilitation Canter
Gulf Diagnostic Center
Ajman Hospital
Herbal Medicine Center
