Al Yousuf Electronics LLC. RAS AL KHAIMAH Logo

Al Yousuf Electronics LLC. RAS AL KHAIMAH

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Al Yousuf Electronics is an integral part of Al Yousuf LLC which was established in 1952 and is one of the leading companies of the UAE having a multi-million group turnover and with diversified interests in automotive, electronics, computers, building construction real estates etc.

Established in 1965, Al Yousuf Electronics made a major impact on the regional market when it secured the agency of Gold Star air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines in 1977.

Sales grew steadily and in 1998, when the brand reinvented as LG with a comprehensive list of high quality, high value electronics products, Al Yousuf Electronics too was transformed.

Today the company handles LG flat screen TVs, audio-video systems, vacuum cleaners and microwave ovens together with its extensive range of state of-the-art air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines. Supported by Al Yousuf Electronics' aggressive and innovative marketing programs, LG is now a market leader in the UAE for air conditioners and refrigerators.
