Al Zarar Passengers Transport by Rented Buses LLC Logo

Al Zarar Passengers Transport by Rented Buses LLC

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Al-Zarar Transportation Company has a proud history of service to the people of U.A.E in general and to people across the world in special. Since its inception in 2010, it has proven itself in term of giving unique and exclusive services to Tourists, hotels, staff transport, Sport players, School transport, labor transport and pleasure trips according to the convenience of our customers. Under passenger transport a couple of offer is availed at customer’s disposal. The company is more confident to serve each standard of life’s people with a dignified and civilized manner. The Company currently provides passenger services to a large number of communities within U.A.E. and nearby states to UAE. The Company maintains a fleet of more than 100 buses varying in size from 15/30/34/35/49/51/82 passengers.
