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Alubond USA

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American Building Technology Inc. is established with its head office in Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A and additional production bases in Europe, Middel East and India has a primary focus on manufacturing and marketing of Metal Composite Panels.

Panels are marketed under the U.S registered trade mark brand name of ALUBOND U.S.A. With New Production bases coming up in Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia. Alubond's new installed production capacity of metal composite Panels by June 2012 will be more than 15,000,000m² and coil coating capacity to over 20,000 tons per anum making Alubond U.S.A arguably The World’s Largest Metal Composite Brand! The company has also added Solid PVDF coated aluminium panels, Honeycomb core PVDF coated aluminium Panels, Alubond-Lite signage panels. The strong R&D efforts have resulted in the development of new patented technologies for innovative applications in Acoustics, Solar and BIPV Market Segments.

The Product holds Test Certifications from International labs and tested as per ASTM, BS, EN, DIN, SWISS, and INDIAN Standards and certified as per ISO 9001 and ISO 1400 Standards. Alubond U.S.A is internationally registered in many countries including U.A.E. The U.A.E brand of Alubond U.S.A is certified as a Made in U.A.E Product and enjoys Arab League certification enabling the brand to enjoy Free Trade Agreement benefits amongst the Arab League Countries. The Free Trade agreements of ARAB LEAGUE, ASEAN and Russia’s friendly Trade Policies with Serbia give Alubond a unique strategic advantage of supplying to global markets without or minimal import duties.
