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Apple Bee Nursery

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Apple Bee Nursery was opened in January, 2013 and has already gained the reputation as one of the best nurseries in Abu Dhabi.

We provide a well-rounded program for children by following The Creative Curriculum. Our curriculum reflects a fundamental understanding of child development and gives the best of early childhood education practices. The past 75 years research provided a wealth of information about early childhood as a separate and distinct stage of life with its own characteristics. The National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) influenced guiding the field of early childhood education and stressed the importance of developmentally appropriate practices.

The Creative Curriculum for preschool is based on five fundamental principles:

Positive interactions and relationship with adults
Children who have secure attachment relationships with primary caregivers and teachers have an easier time interacting with peers, forming positive relationships and being part of the group.

Social-emotional competence
Newer research has established compelling links between social emotional development, behavior and school success. Creative learning activities such as dramatic play block play and open ended art activities provide opportunities for children to build positive relationships with peers. Teachers can guide the development of social emotional competence by using these strategies.

Constructive purposeful play
When children play in meaningful ways they learn about themselves, other people and the world around them. As children play they acquire language, learn to solve problems, learn to control their behavior and feelings and explore social roles. Teachers facilitate learning and observe children’s play to determine the most appropriate levels and types of support to offer.

The physical environment
Piaget theorized that children’s curiosity about the world around them drives their learning. Children must engage in tasks actively in order to develop and learn. For children to excel in school, experiences and the environment should support all aspects of their development.

Teacher-family partnership
Families vary in their cultures, ethnicities, belief systems, experiences, parenting abilities and geographic locations. Positiverelationships and regular communications with families are critical to children’s development and learning.

We promote a “hands on approach” to learning through exploration, music and art.

A love of learning is fostered through an environment that is rich, safe and motivating with opportunities. At Apple Bee Nursery we are committed to develop the following in children.

A strong childè me, myself & I developing self- assurance being acknowledged and affirmed.

A skillful communicatorè Being together, finding a voice, listening and responding.

A competent learnerè making connections, being imaginative and creative.

A healthy childè Emotional well- being, developing and making safe and healthy choices.
