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ATCOM, Arabian Technology and Communications is a UAE based company and has established itself as one the leading suppliers of telecommunications, networking solutions and services in the Middle East & African region, with sales and post-sales support offices in the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and with value added partners in KSA, Oman, Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan & East Africa. ATCOM has been providing quality telecommunications products, networking solution and professional services to businesses and organizations of all sizes since 2001 including Traditional PABXs, IP Telephony, Unified Communications & Messaging, IVR, CTI, Multimedia Contact Centers, Customized Contact Center Applications, Data Networking, Security Products, CRM integration, Voice Recording, MDM, WFM and Call Billing & Management Solutions.

ATCOM is an ISO 9001 certified company and is an affiliate of the Fakhro Group of companies which was established in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 1888. The Fakhro Group has since grown to become one of the leading business groups in the region with operations in automotive, industrial products, electronics, telecommunications, insurance, contracting, shipping and logistics. The diversification of the Group’s portfolio led to the evolution of several successful Companies such as ATCOM, with strategic alliances with gloabally renowned partners in thier industries.
