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Australian International School

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Schools play a significant role in the lives of children as they grow and develop. In partnership with parents and other members of the community, our school provides students with a high quality education that equips them with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to be successful in the future; an education which enables students to participate in and contribute to a culturally, socially and economically vibrant society.

The challenge for schools is to prepare students for the lives that they will live - not for a past that no longer exists. Simple memorization of facts, volumes of busy work and constant direction will not prepare students for life in rapidly changing environments. As much information as any of us can want is as available as the closest computer and internet connection. The secret to success in the future is in being able to apply this information. Students must move from remembering to understanding, analyzing, evaluating and creating.

To prepare our students for the twenty–first century, AIS ensures that students have skills that will equip them for life long learning. Students must be literate and numerate. They must have the ability to use information and communication technologies. They must develop creative and critical thinking skills and acquire the ability to work cooperatively. Importantly, they must develop the ability to direct their own learning. They must also develop an international awareness and an intercultural understanding in all that they do.

We encourage students to develop the attributes of a lifelong learner. These include being a:

· Knowledgeable person with deep understanding

· Complex thinker

· Creative person

· Active investigator

· Effective communicator

· Participant in an interdependent world

· Reflective and self directive learner

Our curriculum is designed from the early years to year 12 with students following a clear and well planned pathway to tertiary education. One of the key differences at the Australian International School is our teachers. All our class teachers are high quality professionals, drawn from Australasian schools, with a sound understanding of children and the ways in which learning opportunities can be structured to ensure enhanced learning outcomes for students. Learning should be fun, challenging but interesting too, and at our school it is!

The Australian International School is quality assured by Education Queensland. Quality Assurance is an ongoing process that ensures the delivery of agreed standards. A quality assurance check is made each year and a report based on these dimensions is presented. The Australian International School is the first Australian school in the Middle East and also the first occasion where the state government of Queensland has entered into a partnership to provide the Queensland curriculum ‘off shore’.
