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For all people of this world, customs, traditions and heritage are highly cherished, and we work hard to maintain and preserve them.
Food is indeed part of our heritage and cultural identity, and the most famous food items in the Arab world you will find for sure in the Lebanese cuisine.
The Mankoushe is one of those famous foods, with a shape resembling a pizza. The history of Mankoushe is fascinating and goes back hundreds of years. It differs however from usual pizza in the way it is prepared, in its contents, taste, dough, crust and characteristics and thickness of its pastry.
It tastes delicious and is easy and quick to digest and is full of fresh and healthy vegetables.

Mankousha Today
Mankoushe today is available almost everywhere and has become an important and indispensible part of the Lebanese and Arab heritage. It is also one of the first morning breakfast ritual for lots of people. No wonder, Mankoush is the rightful heir of "Arosate thyme and oil", which was preferred many generations ago by school children who were sure that by a bite of its Thyme and its Olive-oil, would active there memory for studying. However, as everything develops, the preparation of Mankoushe also changed over time and is nowadays prepared in ovens to meet the large demand from, and quick delivery times to customers.
The most famous Mankoushe is the Thyme Makoushe. Over time it was prepared first in the Tanoor, then using Saj and nowadays it is prepared using the an oven.
The oven is also different today because a large number of Manakish can be baked simultaneously, quickly and the speed and air circulation can be controled better as much heat is needed from top and below.
Despite this recent development, the Saj Mankoushe is still the favorite of many people because it reminds us of the past and of our grandmothers. Baking on Saj is also good for quick digestion and has a fantastic flavor and a healthy crust