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Bharat Thakur's Artistic Yoga

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Bharat Thakur's Artistic Yoga is the leading Yoga company in India. The brainchild of HImalayan Master Bharat Thakur, Artistic Yoga was developed in 1999 when Bharat saw that the Yoga being taught and practiced all over the world and in India was in no way as powerful, dynamic and immediate as authentic Yoga could be. If Yoga in India suffered from a drab and monotonous classical tradition that had lost its freshness and spontaneity, then Yoga in the west was being trivialized with the many offshoots, new brands and fusion forms in which the true spirit of Yoga was lost to a false spirituality consisting of chanting, incense sticks and imaginary visualizations. Bharat Thakur started the company with the vision of spreading a form of Yoga that would help people first get in shape, become disease-free and then move towards the higher practices akin to Patanjali's Ashthanga Yog. Artistic Yoga has centers in New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Dubai and Moscow. Within the year we plan to open centers in Abu Dhabi, Beirut, Johannesburg, and France.
