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Biel Structures

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Biel Structures was 1994 By the Joueidi Family. wW are privately held and have grown to become global. We have a reputation for big ideas, new insights, relentless tenacity and achieving exceptional results for our clients –across the UAE, GCC and the Middle East region. We have played a major role in Lebanon’s economic growth, offering to the MICE industry the proper infrastructure to host international manifestations and events and allowing to position Beirut as a regional hub in the conference and event regional scenery. We actively produce, ship, execute and store projects around the world, from UK to Kazakhstan passing by Germany, Spain, France, Russia, Italy, Cyprus and Middle East. Our offices are located in Lebanon, Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Through its production entities in Dubai, Lebanon and Saudi. Biel are closer and adaptable to each market. We also benefit from a network of agents and partners in Europe, Asia, Russia, Australia and America.
