Blastrite Gulf FZE Logo

Blastrite Gulf FZE

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Blastrite is the market leader in the South African abrasives and surface preparation market with regards to:
granular abrasives,
and blasting and painting equipment
Our dominant position has been established and successfully defended over the past 30 years by becoming a technical partner to the industry, through ownership of resources and strategic distribution agreements with global technology leaders.

The company’s roots are in abrasive media production. Blastrite owns four minerals processing facilities around South Africa and, importantly, one of our facilities produces industrial garnet, enabling Blastrite to control distribution throughout South Africa. From this base, Blastrite has established sales and distribution infrastructure across South Africa and indeed, internationally.
In recent years, Blastrite has expanded from its abrasive media base and, through distribution agreements with class leading producers, begun to establish itself as a turn-key supplier to the blasting and coating contracting market.
These relationships include NLB (UHP waterjetting machines), Airblast (blasting equipment), Graco (coating & road marking equipment) and Monti Tools (Bristle Blasters).
