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BUDDYS Drivers on Demand

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Sign up and you can start to use the service immediately. Once you’re a member just give us a call on 800 BUDDYS (28 33 97) or book online to let us know where and when you’d like a buDDy to collect you. You can pre-book your collection or give us a call on the night when you’re nearly ready to go home and we’ll get your buDDy to you within 45 minutes.

Your buDDy will then drive you home in the comfort of your own car while our support driver collects your buDDy once he has safely dropped you and your vehicle off at home.

You also don’t have to worry about carrying any cash on you on the night, we’ll send you a statement via email at the end of each month and collect directly from your credit card so that using a buDDy is simple and convenient.

Sign up here and you can start to use the service immediately. Once you’re a member just give us a call on 800 BUDDYS (28 33 97) or book online to let us know where and when you’d like a buDDy to collect you. You can pre-book your collection or give us a call on the night when you’re nearly ready to go home and we’ll get your buDDy to you within 45 minutes.

Your buDDy will then drive you home in the comfort of your own car while our support driver collects your buDDy once he has safely dropped you and your vehicle off at home.

You also don’t have to worry about carrying any cash on you on the night, we’ll send you a statement via email at the end of each month and collect directly from your credit card so that using a buDDy is simple and convenient.
