Carboholix Trading Logo

Carboholix Trading

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  • 04-4525 751
  • Shop no. 17, Building Q05 France Cluster Internationl City Dubai, P.O.Box 26784 United Arab Emirates
    International City, Dubai
  • 04-4524 634
  • Visit Website


What We Do
We strive to help people achieve their true ‘health potential’ and in turn this will lead to a healthy community and world.

How We Do It
We intend to start the awareness campaign with our shop in Al Barsha as our base, and once we have s strong foundation we will endeavour to begin fund raising activities and events with health organisations involving the media…

Our Strategy
To spread the ‘word’ on diabetes, from its causes to its effects. To give the community a voice to share their worries and concerns, healthy eating plans and tips.

What We Offer

Low Carbohydrate and Low Fat Foods
Nutritional advice from local dieticians and Weight Management Clinics
A voice for the community
A positive outlook for the future of managing diabetes within the UAE

Shop Opening Times
Saturday - Thursday 10am - 2pm , 5pm - 9pm
Friday 4pm - 9pm
