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Costa Coffee(Downtown Dubai Branch)

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On a grey day in London in 1971, an incredible thing happened: a cup of Costa coffee was poured for the very first time. Its creators, the brothers Sergio and Bruno Costa, first sold their coffee to a handful of local caterers. Then to some delicatessens. A few years later, they opened their first coffee shop.

Today Costa is the largest and fastest growing coffee shop chain in the UK. In 1999 Costa opened the first International store at The Aviation Club in Dubai, UAE. 12 years later the Costa brand continues to grow with 150 stores operating in the Emirates.

So while a lot may have changed since that first cup was savoured, our coffee certainly hasn’t. We still slow-roast our beans in exactly the same way, and even in the same roasters, as Sergio did on that momentous morning 40 years ago. And as long as coffee lovers like it that way, we’ll continue to do so.
