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Derma Plus

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Derma Plus Trading is an internet based company licensed to import and distribute health and beauty care products. Our dedication is to provide ultimate skin care through its featured products at affordable prices that are made to beautify the individual inside and out, as well as to offer a package of health benefits to the human body. We firmly believe that HEALTH should not be compromised, should not be taken for granted.

Skin care experts from famous brands worldwide share same principle that true beauty radiates from good diet, healthy lifestyle and self-discipline.

With a healthy body comes a sound mind and a happy disposition. A happy and well rounded well being creates its way to a very natural glow and radiance. You do not have to fake it! Our products will serve you both - HEALTH & BEAUTY, inside and out, no less. We support and believe that beauty need not be so expensive with the selection of the right products, the right combination with the awareness of your own exact needs. It does result to a much pleasing improved personality, enhancement of physical assets and a boost to your self confidence. Our products are far less costly than visiting skin clinics and having those advanced treatments which are most of the time make you spend more and not getting your money's worth.

Derma Plus promotes both health and beauty - the two two best elements that are highly of everyone's concern expecially nowadays when there are more environmentally harmful factors surrounding our everyday lives. Free time has become a luxury, stress has become unavoidable in our daily existence. In providing good health plus a good and pleasing appearance is what our company aims to accomplish with our customers.

Our goal is to achieve excellence level wherein real confidence is gained from inside and out, glow and radiance becoming a natural aura. An enriching experience that will delight and satisfy the whole being.

This website showcases our products that are all GENUINE, and are guaranteed to be safe and effective.

We hope that you will find the product that will apply to your needs and rest assured that we will always be at your assistance.

If you are interested in other products not shown in this website, please do email us and we shall try to check them out for you.
