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DeviceBee Technologies

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DeviceBee is highly specialized on the development of applications that run on mobile platforms such as the iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

Our core solutions and services include:

iPhone Application Development
iPad Application Development
Android Mobile Application Development
Blackberry Mobile Application Development
Windows Mobile Application Development
Mobile Website Application Development
FaceBook Applications Development
Web Application Development
Web Design
Costume Software Development Solution

We specialize in ASP.NET, C#, C/C++, VB.NET, AJAX, ADO.NET, J2ME, Android SDK, iOS SDK, RIM, J2ME, J2SE, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PHP, WordPress, CMS, Adobe Flash, Joomla, Drupal, JBoss, Apache, Perl, Shell Scripting, Red Hat Linux, MS Windows.


Android Development, iPhone, iPad, Mac Development, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone, Symbian Development, Wordpress, CMS, Jqueury, HTML 5
