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Digital Marketing Sapiens

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Digital Marketing Sapiens is a digital marketing agency that caters for all your SEO, branding and marketing needs, from website- to reputation management.

Our head quarter is in San Antonio, Texas, with an equally vibrant branch office in Dubai, Jumeirah Lake Towers. We have a development and sales team in Dubai and are currently working to set up offices in Abu Dhabi and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The near future will see us expanding to the other United Arab Emirates too.

Our virtual company presence, however, is global. We have clients in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in Australia.

Digital Marketing Sapiens prides itself on a team consisting of the best technicians, designers, writers and translators, who together make up a solid, creative team. We specialise in:

Website design and development;
SEO- Search Engine Optimisation;
SMO- Social Media Optimisation;
SEM- Search Engine Marketing (Social Media management);
Mobile Marketing (app development);
Brand building and maintenance;
Reputation management;
Social Media training;
Digital Marketing Consulting / Digital Marketing Speeches (conferences).
