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EBTEC was strategically established to meet the needs of the market, and we are developing and extending steadily in order to best serve our customers and perform work throughout the entire UAE and other Middle East countries as well.

We have the necessary personnel, equipment, expertise and financial wherewithal to handle a broad range of projects and to assure uniform finishing to the highest quality standards.

The majority of all major components, on every project we are involved in, are performed by EBTEC LLC’s members.

We understand the importance of meeting the customers’ needs so that we can assist them in achieving their business plans; that's why we are committed to completing every project on time and within budget. At the same time we work together with owners and engineers to achieve the highest level of quality.

Our company is committed to surpassing the expectations of our clients by developing relationships through integrity, professionalism, and service which yields the quality of works up to satisfaction.
