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Elitser Technologies LLC

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Elitser Technologies LLC is a client-centric Solutions, Consulting and Training provider company promoted by a group of visionary entrepreneurs with vast experience in IT and management. The company provides cost-effective, strategic and innovative solutions that create and add value to our clients in their IT operations. We design and market solutions to match the needs of our clients to succeed in their respective areas of business efficiently and economically. The core focus of Elitser Technologies is IT security & IT Management solutions having registered office in Dubai TECOM, UAE. It is part of “Elitser Group” having its own development center in India and regional associates and partners in India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines and Singapore. ELITSER’s business is to Partner with Clients to achieve Breakthrough Performance through the intelligent use of the Technologies. ELITSER is Trusted and Valued by clients for the High Quality Services and Commitment to deliver real results.
