Epygen Labs FZ LLC Logo

Epygen Labs FZ LLC

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Epygen is an Industrial Biotechnology company in the business of developing and manufacturing Enzyme Proteins for a wide range of Process Industries, Biofuels, Energy, Agriculture, Food and Personal care.

Harnessing Proteomic tools and taking the Protein Lab to the Process Floor, our scientists are constantly challenging the realms of Biotechnology. Enzyme proteins of interest are developed to meet hostile conditions like one faced in Oilfield Downhole where they are deployed to increase Oil Productivity. Along with worldwide drive to conserve natural resources, Epygen Paper Pulp Mill bleaching enzymes replace harsh chemicals and reduce usage of virgin fiber. K Industrial scale expression of recombinant enzyme strains and protein engineering is utilized to custom make biological solutions for customers in the region. Epygen Biofuel Technology Platform enables use of Regional Biomass for 2nd Generation Biofuel.

Based on deep understanding of Enzyme behavior in complex environment, and our Biotech scientists and application engineers work closely with clients to deliver the best and cleanest fit

Taking lead from expressing critical proteins in desirable economics, Epygen Biopharmaceutical team focuses on Follow-on Enzymes and Biologics filling up its pipelines. It is in the process of putting the puzzle together to make a strong statement in the future of Biotechnology in the region and beyond.
