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F45 Training

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The F45 Athletics and Peak Performance Department is comprised of leading training professionals, athletes, and exercise scientists from around the world all dedicated to the research and development of F45 Training workouts. Under the guidance of our co-CEOs, this department is tirelessly investigating current and emerging training concepts as well as tweaking and fine-tuning existing training regimens. F45 Training workouts are designed to unify the muscle groups of the body and to help make you feel and perform better in all aspects of your life. All of our workouts are developed through a “Stage and Gate” process. When we formulate a new workout, we test it in one studio. We review and document the results. Revisions are made. We then run the new trial workout in three studios. Following this final testing and revision period, we then release the new workout to the entire F45 Training network. These new workouts are only launched once they’ve been meticulously honed and perfected by our team in the F45 Athletics and Peak Performance Department. The product of research, testing and refinement, every F45 workout is groomed for excellence. Our laborious fitness investigations yield a vitalizing and robust training platform that continually challenges our members of all fitness levels and abilities. Our workouts are fueled and organized by the robust technology systems that we have in place in all of our studios. A series of TVs mounted on the front wall of our studios provide an organized, station-by-station diagram for each daily workout. With the guidance and motivation of the F45 Trainers, this system is a visual tool for our members to progress from exercise station to station throughout the workout. Integrated with F45TV, LionHeart gives you the power to accurately track your workouts, monitor your heart rate, the percentage of your maximum effort, and the total calories burned to help you reach your true potential.
