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Feline Friends

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.Feline Friends is a non-profit making organisation that has been in existence since 1991. The organisation was first founded by Lesley King, a British Expatriate living in Abu Dhabi. A few months later Jackie Green, an American Expatriate, started a sister organization in Dubai.

Feline Friends is fully funded by donations and supported by part-time volunteers. Feline Friends DOES NOT have a shelter; our remarkable volunteers foster our cats in their homes until they are adopted.

Read more to learn about our Mission and how to donate to a noble cause.

Our mission is to:

I.provide care and relief to sick and injured cats and kittens,
II.rescue abandoned cats and kittens from the streets and foster them until good, loving and permanent homes can be found,
III.promote the control of the feral and domestic cat population in the country by implementing a programme of spaying and neutering,
IV.provide guidance and support for cat owners to encourage responsible care and ownership,
V.educate the public to care for and respect the cat population whether they are domestic or stray through publications, animal related events and visits to schools.

Feline Friends is a member society of World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and subsequently follows their doctrine and principles.
