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Innovation Exhibitions

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Trade Fairs are the most effective face to face marketing tool, with our access to 15 events per year
we are uniquely positioned to reach the maximum number of buyers and importers.

• Explore Africa distribution is always accompanied with intense media coverage like press confer-
ences, press releases, direct mail campaigns and other promotional activities.

• 15,000 copies go to prospective buyers/importers and advertisers worldwide (out of Africa) as a step
towards international promotion of the publication.

40,000 copies of “Explore Africa” are distributed to trade visitors at major international trade fairs in Africa annually. A trade fair is just the right place to find maximum number of serious buyers/partners at one place and time. “Explore Africa“ participates at an average of 15 exhibitions per year. Please see the calendar for the list of exhibitions in the current year or check at our exhibition website :

10,000 copies of “Explore Africa” will be mailed to Senior Government Officials & top buyers to over 18 countries in Africa. Major countries include : Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Mozambique, Egypt, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Zambia, Gabon, Morocco, Tunis and Djibouti. Our free mailing list includes 22000 0selected companies from 20 different categories of products and services.
