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As one of the world's leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world to change lives and to transform organisations. A global perspective and cultural diversity are reflected in all aspects of our research and teaching.

With campuses in Europe (France), Asia (Singapore) and Abu Dhabi, and a research centre in Israel, INSEAD's business education and research spans three continents. Our 141 renowned Faculty members from 35 countries inspire more than 1,000 degree participants annually in our MBA, Executive MBA and PhD programmes. In addition, more than 6,000 executives participate in INSEAD's Executive Education programmes each year.

In addition to INSEAD's programmes on our three campuses, INSEAD participates in academic partnerships with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia & San Francisco); the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University near Chicago, and Johns Hopkins University/SAIS in Washington DC.
In Asia, INSEAD partners with Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. INSEAD also partners with Sorbonne University Panthéon-Assas law school, and with Fundação Dom Cabral in Brazil.

In 2009, INSEAD celebrated 50 years as a pioneer of international business education based in Europe. Last year, INSEAD celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our Asia campus in Singapore. In 2012, we mark five years of activity in Abu Dhabi.

Around the world and over the decades, INSEAD continues to conduct cutting edge research and to innovate across all our programmes to provide business leaders with the knowledge and sensitivity to operate anywhere. These core values have enabled us to become truly "The Business School for the World."-----Dean Dipak C. Jain

In the space of five decades, INSEAD has developed from an entrepreneurial venture to an internationally regarded institution.
Here are some of the key events in our history.
Visit our 50th Anniversary website.
1957 INSEAD founded, three months after the signing of the Treaty of Rome
1960 First MBA graduates in Fontainebleau: 52 students from 14 countries INSEAD Alumni Association created
1968 First Executive Education programme
1969 Opening of the school's campus on the edge of the forest of Fontainebleau
1971 Creation of CEDEP, the European Centre for Continuing Education
1974 First programme on Asian business
1976 Launch of the INSEAD Alumni Fund
1980 INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre opens in Fontainebleau
1983 MBA programme begins dual intake - January and September
1989 Launch of the PhD programme
1995 Launch of the first INSEAD development campaign
2000 First Singapore MBA class - 53 students from 26 countries - and opening of Asia Campus Development campaign raises €118 million in corporate and individual donation
2001 Announcement of the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance and first MBA participant exchanges
2003 Launch of the INSEAD Executive MBA programme
2004 Opening of the Plessis Mornay Learning Space in Fontainebleau Launch of the second INSEAD development campaign
2005 Phase two of the Asia Campus inaugurated
2006 INSEAD centre for research opened in Caesarea, Israel
2007 INSEAD centre opened in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and launch of a dual degree Executive MBA with Tsinghua, China
INSEAD celebrates its 50th Anniversary commemorating its Founders and its first MBA programme
2010 INSEAD's Abu Dhabi Centre attains Campus status and the Asia Campus celebrates its 10th Anniversary

Our Mission

As an educational institution, our mission is to promote a non-dogmatic learning environment that brings together people, cultures and ideas from around the world, changing lives, and helping transform organisations through management education.

Through teaching, we develop responsible, thoughtful leaders and entrepreneurs who create value for their organisations and their communities.

Through research, we expand the frontiers of academic thought and influence business practice.

Our Vision

Diversity as a source of learning and enrichment
We are free from any dominant culture or prevalent dogma; we are open to, and respectful of, other views; we learn through the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Independence as a governance principle
We believe in intellectual freedom and are autonomous in our financial, institutional and academic planning and decision-making process.

Rigour and relevance in teaching and research
We encourage diversity in research and teaching methods with no single school of thought or methodology predominating; what matters is rigour and impact on management as an academic discipline, on business practice and in the classroom.

Closeness to the international business community
We partner with the international business community to explore and disseminate management knowledge; we believe in the role of business as a force for improving people's lives.

Entrepreneurial spirit
We are willing to experiment and innovate; we are ready to take risks and manage the results of our actions.
