In:Style Direct Furnishings LLC Logo

In:Style Direct Furnishings LLC

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We supply coordinated, contemporary furnishing packages imported directly from renowned designers in Europe and Asia. These ensembles have proven to be extremely popular with our Dubai located refurbishment projects. Clients are able to choose from a range of co-ordinated furniture items ensuring stylish uniformity and significant cost savings. Our team of UAE interior design specialists then selects and combines complementary soft furnishings to produce the optimum outcome. In:Style Direct also has its very own manufacturing plant which means that we can ensure and deliver highly exclusive soft furnishing items efficiently and affordably throughout Dubai and the UAE.
In today's commercial and rental property markets, attracting good tenants is an increasingly competitive endeavour. Since first impressions are so important, it is crucial that potential occupants are impressed from the moment they step across the threshold of a property till the moment they leave. We at In:Style Direct know this only too well and are confident that our years of industry experience within the Dubai and UAE interior design and rental property furniture pack markets, will ensure that any property exudes with taste and irresistible poise.