JSS Education Foundation has been set up at Dubai Knowledge Village with a focus on providing the community with the educational skills needed to compete in the growing employment sector and meet the needs and challenges from the regional corporations and businesses. JSS Education Foundation will offer a broad range of programs from its portfolio of educational training and will use resources within the local demographics and the multinational corporate environment to offer training for its students.The emphasis on the local delivery of internationally recognized training content is an acknowledgement of our commitment for the promotion and development of regional education to the highest work environments in the world.By emphasizing on the strengths of technological advances in corporate education and a strong focus on the corporate needs, we aim to offer an innovative and collaborative learning environment by providing a unique learning experience with an emphasis on specialized knowledge development.The training modules are designed to meet the requirements of companies whose functions are not only local based, but also encompasses the regional and global corporate enterprise. An integral part of delivery of the modules is to identify UAE nationals and expatriates who are leaders in the community, to not only help present the module contents, but to act as mentors in encouraging individuals to become leaders in their endeavors.The competitive strength of JSS Education Foundation programs lies in its focus in addressing the growing need of high quality technical skill requirements of multinational companies and businesses.Our aim is to create for our students a distinctive, institutional style and ethos by maintaining an educational environment, where the promotion of enterprise, community progress and excellence through education are the basis for its foundation.