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Know How Training

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  • +971 2 671 2220
  • 103 Lifco Supermarket Bldg., next to Emirates Plaza Hotel
    Tourist Club Area, Abu Dhabi
  • +971 2 671 3444
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  • Know How Training


Know How for Management Consulting has been working with government and private sector organisations in the UAE since it was founded in 2004. The company is run by UAE nationals and has a strong understanding of the unique challenges confronting organisations in the region, therefore Know How for Management Consulting takes the local market into consideration when proposing and designing all programmes.
Our Vision:

To help clients maintain consistent high standards for people and service through developing, coaching, analyzing and researching.
Our Mission:

Enabling consistent development of individuals to achieve excellence for themselves and their organisations

Know How for Management Consulting provides the following services:

Employee or Candidate Assessment
Human Resources Consulting
