Little Buds Nursery Logo

Little Buds Nursery

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Welcome to our world of tiny buds. Our aim is to create within the nursery

An atmosphere of happiness and security where your child gets tender loving care.

We provide a stimulating learning Montessori environment in which children of all abilities will have opportunities to develop social emotional physical and cognitive skills becoming both confident and independent learners.

We have a team of experienced and dedicated staff who are well qualified patient
and caring to serve your children we have streamlined our activities for the day as follows :

Assembly with physical exercises and music, activity time tidy up time circle time story time and outdoor play time and snack time

Our Aim: To Provide a safe , Friendly and secure environment to enable our children to be active and enthusiastic learner to get to know each child as an individual and encourage their learning ability to make choices and initiate ideas.

Safety and Hygiene: Our License is renewed year after an inspection conducted by the local authorities. This guarantees high standard in safety and cleanliness of the building and its surrounding.

Parents’ Role: All parents are requested to study the rules and regulations of the school thoroughly and strictly abide by them. Parents play an important role in helping to get the best out of the school for their children.

In case of any concern parents are requested to contact the principal directly for any clarification we discourage any extra payment to maid in order to avoid misunderstandings parents are requested to inform the office about any charge in their address or telephone number.

Discipline: The Nursery has simple rules for the children to follow the children are praised for being kind help full and good rewards include stars stamps and treats.

Open day: Parents are well come to discuss their child’s progress on parent teacher meeting with the concerned group teacher

Withdrawal & Caution Deposit: One Month’s notice is essential if the parents decide to withdraw the child .Caution deposit of dhs 500 will be refunded. Only if you give a written notice while the child is still attending school

Sickness: when a child is sick, parents are requested to keep the child at home in case of contagious diseases like mumps fever chicken-pox eye infection the child will be allowed to come back to school only on producing a fitness certificate from a registered medical practitioner.

Medicines: It is requested that no medicines are brought to school by children the school shall not administer any medication to children unless given in writing by the parent

School Fees: All school fees and dues are payable by cash or account payee crossed cheques by the 5th of each month.

The payee of the cheque should be specided as follows ‘ Little Buds Nursery ‘ . A fine of 50 dhs will be charged on every bounced cheque. All accounts must be settled before 1st week of the month fees must be paid for all months January & December ( Both Months inclusive)Even if annual or short vacations are taken.

Communication: Circulars will be sent to parents regarding all activities and holidays of the nursery.

Attendance: A child one admitted to the nursery class in expected to attend the school regularly. Any intended long absence must be informed in advance in writing to the supervisor or the respective class teacher.

Breakfast: Children should bring a napkin or a small towel every day a long with a snak box for use at breakfast time .The snack box should contain sumptuous and nutritious dry snack and one fruit

Jewellery : Children Should not be wearing any gold jewellery the school shall not he held responsible for the loss of jewellery if this rule is violated.

Grooming of the Child: All the Children should be send well groomed neat and tidy they should wear he prescribed school uniform supplies by the nursery long hair must be tied up.

Foot wear : Black sports shoes with Velcro and white socks from Sunday to Wednesday

Thursday are set aside for activities children may wear sandals and come dress in casual clothes (Not Party wear or uniform)

All Belonging of your Child should be clearly marked with name so that there is no confusion with the other children’s items like School bag, winter wear, Water bottles, Cap and finally one set of clothes in a plastic bag
