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Macaroni Grill

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Romano's Macaroni Grill, also popularly known as 'Mac Grill,' was founded by the legendary entrepreneur – Phil Romano since 1988. Modeled after his Italian heritage, Romano's Macaroni Grill was inspired by home cooked hosting of vibrant social gatherings (Paesano) in a sophisticatedly casual atmosphere driven by his passion for life.
Romano’s Macaroni Grill offers the best of traditional Italian food sprinkled with fresh culinary innovations, encouraging its patrons to vent their creative expressions from a warm open kitchen paired with elegant fresh gladiolas, white table cloth topped with butcher paper and crayons and sophistication of opera echoing against brick walls. It is traditionally Italian yet surprisingly unique.
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It’s funny – people crave the comfort of the familiar, but at the same time love a bit of surprise. We like things traditional and real, yet we celebrate individuality above all else. We know. Because at Romano’s Macaroni Grill, we’re the same way. We like a dash of Romano, a twist of Macaroni, and a spark from the Grill to bring it all together. That’s how it all started, and that’s how we still do it today. But most of all, we love food. Because at Romano’s Macaroni Grill, that’s where all these wonderful ideas combine to make something truly special. It’s the very best of traditional Italian sprinkled with fresh new thinking. It’s chefs who love the classic, yet are inspired to create new masterpieces of their own. Familiar, yet unexpected. Timeless flavors that get better every time.
It is the happy marriage of the opposites that make us who we are. A dash. A twist. A spark.
