Based in Abu Dhabi, childcare professional Rita Bains established "Majestic Nannies" In 2003, having identified a need for a professional childcare consultancy that specialises in helping families in the Middle East. With 17 years of International childcare experience, Rita Bains and her team of experienced consultants will assist you in finding the right person. In 2011 we were pleased to announce, due to growth and development our UK office based in London managed by Sarah Dixon a childcare professional of 12 years and who has previous experience of recruitment for outstanding childcare staff. We are well placed to understand and fulfil the requirements of discerning clients The main offices of ‘Majestic Nannies’ are located in Abu Dhabi and London and are supported by a partner agencies in Paris and South Africa.Lapped by the azure waters of the Arabian Gulf, the United Arab Emirates attracts professionals and holidaymakers alike to its warm and friendly shores. The racially and religiously tolerant people of this devout Muslim country welcome foreigners with traditional Arabic hospitality. As a result, the cities of the Emirates provide a cosmopolitan and vibrant atmosphere in which to work and relax. Firmly in the twenty-first century, the (virtually crime free) cities of Dubai, Al Ain and Abu Dhabi offer modern and safe environments with beautiful parks, exciting architecture and extensively stockedshopping malls.Cinemas and restaurants abound. The numerous hotels provide all the entertainment outlets offered by their western counterparts. There are also many private beach clubs where it is possible to make the most of the abundant sunshine (although it should be noted that away from these designated areas it is appreciated by the local population if women observe a degree of modesty in their dress - bare shoulders and short skirts are not acceptable). While the majority of women in the Emirates hold a driving license it is not a necessity as taxis are cheap and plentiful. With all, that the Emirates has to offer, few countries can competewith such an ideal working environment.