Medicina Group of Pharmacies Logo

Medicina Group of Pharmacies

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Medicina is a group of healthcare outlets distributed strategically throughout the UAE. Our focus revolves around the promotion of health in addition to bringing back care into the framework of total wellness. We are driven by our fundamental purpose to play an active and supportive role in each person’s life. As a consequence, we deliver unparalleled quality products and customer service. Medicina helps our customers live a better life. Each Pharmacy within the Group provides a cohesive, unique caring experience— from advising on prescriptions to managing chronic and specialty conditions; from providing quality walk-in medical care and health management to dispensing everyday products. We endorse trust and confidence as the nucleus of our operations, never compromising on the needs of our customers. Our Pharmacies’ interior is meticulously designed with the intention of meeting the needs of our customers by optimizing space and focusing on quality modular fixtures that promote visual merchandising. We remain committed to increasing access, lowering costs and improving the quality of care through our range of Nutrition supplements, skin care, cosmetics, medical equipment, as well as a wide range of other health care products. Sustained by our reliable, modern and evolutionary supply chain service, internally, we drive healthcare through the lens of professionalism, ensuring effectiveness and efficiency at every level. Driven by smart technology, we have launched an "E-commerce", Moreover everything we do is designed to put the power directly in your hands – giving you the freedom to shop however, whenever and wherever you like.
