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Mega Electronics LLC

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Mega Electronics is the culmination of a dream. A dream by two youngsters, together in whatever did since childhood. Mr. Rajesh and Mr. Vinod were brought by together; studied together, dreamt together and now enjoys the success story that is Mega Electronics, well, together. This dream of their was made possible by Mr. Shyam Shroff who recognized their true talent and enthusiasm by supporting and backing their plans in setting up Mega.
It all began when one fine day in 1995 they discovered that there is no one single outlet in the whole of Middle East which offered the customers both Computer and Electronic related items in a single showroom. This lead to the establishment of Mega Electronics in a humble way.
Mega started off with local purchase and re-selling in the market but was always tempted with the dream of having their own import wing. Within two years since inception, the company was able to achieve this distinction and started importing and distributing and also selling from their own counter.
