Mermaid Catering services LLC Logo

Mermaid Catering services LLC

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Mermaid Catering Services L.L.C. (MCS) is a leading Abu Dhabi based Catering and Hospitality Service Provider with nationwide readiness operations. With a Combined Management Expertise and experience of over Seventy Five Years in running Industrial Contract Catering, MCS has developed tailor made packages of International excellence in the fields of Catering, Housekeeping, Laundry, and Front Office Services as suit to the needs of different users.
MCS progress path has all along been strewn by the simple philosophy of treating every one of its users with highest regard and respect. In all its transactions, it is guided by the ethical principle that MEANS ARE IMPORTANT AS ENDS and FAIR MEANS CAN but PRODUCE ONLY FAIR RESULTS. Good business practices and absolute honesty, integrity and transparency, in all its transactions have been the hall marks of this organization, which helped to develop the brand equity of MCS.
