Ocean Kids Institute for Dance Art and Music Logo

Ocean Kids Institute for Dance Art and Music

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Ocean Kids Institute was set up in India since 1989. In Dubai the company was established in August 2011.With a commitment to deliver unparalleled student experiences and advanced knowledge in Dance, Music and Art. The Ocean Kids community is devoted to making Dance, Music and Art education accessible to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. We have the industry leaders who come into teach and resulted in winning over 250 awards spanning over 1000 shows all over India and Middle East. The aim of the institute is to develop the student’s creative potential to the highest possible level and to train and channelize young talent under the able guidance of well-trained teachers in an atmosphere of fun, love and values Experience has taught us that under performance in any area of life do not necessarily mean a lack of aptitude it may be lack of interest in that subject, caused by lack of success or lack of confidence. We truly believe that if success principles can be taught in a fun way, all of us would be able to discover our own successes in other areas as well.
