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Ostermeier FZE

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Ostermeier FZE since its inception in the year 1994 in Jebel All Free Zone, has grown from a small industrial unit catering to the waste management segment to a full fledged technologically advanced stainless steel engineering company catering to the Architectural, MEP, Commercial kitchen and Special products industry.
Ostermeier Gmbh, in the year 1995 officially sold all the rights and ownership (of Ostermeier Gmbh Jebel Ali free zone license) to Mr. M .N .Khory, Director of MBBM group thereby transferring the rights of manufacturing and distribution of garbage chute system products as well as the ownership of Ostermeier trademark, logos etc which is now known as Ostermier fze products. Thereafter Ostermeier fze has been operating independently from Jebel Ali free zone, UAE, as a sister concern of the diversified group M/s Majid Bukatara group of companies.
