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Pooch Parlour

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The idea started back in 2007 when I was taking my lovely dog Yoko to various groomers around Abu Dhabi which were mainly inside veterinary clinics. I was not fully satisfied with the whole experience and I'm sure Yoko wasn't either; every time we came back to the veterinary clinic for grooming she wouldn't want to go in and tried to run down the steps . Maybe she associated these buildings with the medical side of the veterinary business, which is not comfortable for the majority of dogs. From an owner's perspective, I found the appointment system concerning; dropping your dogs in the morning and then collecting them in the late afternoon was inconvenient and meant that she was probably caged whilst awaiting for her time on the grooming table. Yoko is a Havanese and their look is very specific but I found that it was not possible for her to be styled to breed: she was inevitably shaved on her body and face. It was at this point that i began to groom her myself and research the many methods and considerations. I discovered that there are many ways and shapes to groom and style the dog, depending on their breed, their activity level & the time of year. I decided to pursue this field professionally. This is when I enrolled in the UK for dog grooming.

I began the practical part of the course on the day immediately after the introduction to the tools, clippers, blades and scissors, so it was very intensive. My first dog was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: he was so gentle and obedient on the grooming table. It felt as if he knew that he was my first client. I had my very talented mentor watching over my shoulder, slapping my hands whenever I was holding the scissors incorrectly and guiding me through the breed-specific cut. Throughout the course I had to do so many breeds, so many styles, so many different cuts: for example, we spent two days purely dedicated to the poodle. I also remember grooming a Border Collie called Bryn who worked with the fire department in the UK. He was one of two dogs which were sent to Japan to help with the search and rescue operation after the earthquake and tsunami. I felt that it was an honor to groom him.

I quickly understood that for dog owner's to entrust you with their beloved pets, it is essential to be able to understand both the Human and the Animal. I have learnt that dogs are never aggressive if they are treated properly and with respect. The dog may be stressed or sensitive in some areas, or have trust issues if they have been hurt before during previous grooming. And so it is important that I take my time and respond to the Dog's reactions; some may have trust issues and so i give them more break times and let them off the table. In general, large dogs (like the German Shepherd or the Great Dane) can be the gentlest beings, and small toy dogs (like a Yorkshire terrier or a Chihuahua) can be nippy and difficult, but never aggressive if treated with value. The aggression or the attack itself from the dog is a result of fear. The dog will only attack to defend himself or his owner. If you build the trust with them session after session, they will be very cooperative with you on the table.

Opening this shop has been a lengthy process; I started in October 2011 and this type of business was not listed with the Chamber of Commerce or any of the other Government bodies so I had to do a lot of running around. I have to say that the guys and girls at all Abu Dhabi Municipality branches were extremely helpful and cooperative. They guided me and they were encouraging and I really felt their support. Also all of the Doctors at the Ministry of Health were so generous with their time and explained the regulations that are required. Everyone tried to make it better for me and I'm so happy that we are finally open and ready to receive all those dogs to groom.

Woofs & Wags :)
