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Primavera Medical Centre

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Primavera Medical Centre is a multi-specialty clinic practicing high quality western medicine located in the Al Razi Building in the prestigious Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC). The Centre focuses mainly on Obstetrics & Gynaecology provided by Dr Rosalie Sant and Family Medicine provided by Dr Priya Rana. Both doctors trained in some of the best University Hospitals in Europe, have high professional standards and practice evidence-based medicine. While consultations will be held at Primavera Medical Centre, in-patient care can be provided in any of the major private hospitals in Dubai.

Supportive Medical Diagnostic sonography is provided by Dr. Julia Ditkovska who combines her experience and expertise to provide the most extensive report of the performed ultrasound examinations to the physicians.

Ussma Ghani provides nutrition advice to patients of Primavera Medical Centre pre-, during, and post-pregnancy and breast feeding. Ussma also assists with nutrition advice for metabolic issues like blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes control, hormonal imbalances like PCOS and food intolerances, etc. In addition to nutrition for health, Ussma runs a comprehensive weight-loss programme with intensive education as well as meal plans.

Christine Forbes is a physiotherapist who also happens to be a fully trained midwife. This explains her special interest in antenatal care, postnatal care and womans care such as pelvic pain, pelvic floor muscles and incontinence after childbirth. She also has a special interest in male incontinence and pelvic pain. In addition she specializes in headaches, neck and back pain and children’s incontinence.

Our vision is to bring together a complimentary group of specialties with the aim of providing a comprehensive medical service to the population of Dubai, in the heart of a region of medical excellence, Dubai Healthcare City.

Our mission is to provide up-to-date, western style, ethically sound medical care that is effective, cost efficient and professional thereby helping to enhance the quality of life of the patients we serve. We will endeavour to create a friendly and warm environment in which quality healthcare can be delivered in a stress free environment that caters for the complimentary medical needs of our patients. After years of experience working in University Hospitals and Centres of Excellence in Europe providing quality care, experience has been gained in multi-cultural and diverse societies enabling us can tailor our services to the community we practice in. We will focus on empowerment of patients through education and combined decision making in the delivery of medical care, knowing that this will improve compliance to advice and the overall outcome for our patients.

The services offered at Primavera Medical Centre include:
- Consultations in Ante-natal and Post-natal care for low and high risk pregnancies
- Gynaecological consultations for both acute and chronic conditions
- Colposcopies and cervical biopsies
- Insertion of IUCD for contraception and for treatment of menorrhagia
- Minor gynaecological operations under local anesthetic
- General Medical Check-ups
- Baby Check-ups – starting from newborns to toddlers
- General Paediatric & Adult Medical Care
- Paediatric and adult vaccinations
- Travel vaccinations
- Acute, chronic and preventative medical care
- Breast examination and Breast US
- Nutrition and life style advise to patients with metabolic complications like Hypertension, Diabetes
- Hypercholesterolemia or hormonal imbalances like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,
Pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, post-pregnancy & breastfeeding nutrition advice,
- Weight loss clinic
- Physiotherapy for back and pelvic pain, particularly related to pregnancy or post childbirth.
- Physiotherapy for post natal readjustment of posture, abdominal diastasis, pelvic pain and pelvic floor rehabilitation.
- Physiotherapy for the conservative management of pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence in women, men or children, including rehabilitation before and after surgery.
- General Physiotherapy with particular interest in headaches, neck and jaw (temperomandibular joint) pain.
- Radiology services including Obstetric, NT scans, 3D/4D Baby watching scans, and pelvic scans.
- Required Laboratory tests
