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PROCARE has been assisting elderly, handicapped and mothers to newly born in the United Arab Emirates since 2001.
PROCARE is based on Sweden’s National program for Home healthcare. With one of the world’s oldest populations ( 18% aged 65 or above) together with a reduction of the number of hospital beds over the last years has reinforced home care as a priority in the Swedish Public Health Care system. Many disabled and handicapped persons have 24 hour care by “Personal assistants” subsidised by the government.
The experience and know-how achieved in this process was introduced by Procare to Dubai 2001. Procare have now successfully grown as one of the largest Home Care provider in the UAE.


Of tradition and as part of the Islamic society –Men in the costal areas often were away for fishing or pearling over an extended time. Women’s responsibilities included bringing up the children and care for the elderly as well as all other duties connected with operating a household. These household tasks were performed with competence and awareness.
In recent time society changed, as well as the women’s and families role. More and more women work outside the home, and even if they stay home the responsibility and expectations in raising children and running a household has increased. The benefits of consulting Procare, unloads a great burden, as well as giving you confidence that your loved one gets the best care possible.
In the UAE life expectancy has risen to 68,1 years ( 1980) to 77,7 years 2008 presenting a remarkable advance in a relatively short period of time.(

The importance of preventive and professional nursing care in the home will be a compliment to the skilled medical and high technological advances on the medical field. This can avoid prolonged and unnecessary hospitalization when the patient can be cared for and discharged to home.


Procare is a private company committed to provide high quality and cost effective care giving for elderly and disabled in their own homes.


We would like to see a society in UAE where the isolation secondary to ageing or handicap will be reduced, and facilitate for everyone to be part of the day to day life. Go out to restaurant for a nice dinner, enjoy the fish or vegetable market or just meet friends at a cafeteria. Even if in need of a wheelchair or walking device the environment and set up in the community should make this possible.
We can see great improvements in these areas during the last years due to efforts and support from H.H Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktom, Vice- President of UAE and Ruler of Dubai and his wife HRH Princess Haya.
“This is Active Ageing”


The program is developed to meet requirements of individuals in need of professional care giving.
We offer a natural extension following acute medical care provided by hospitals locally or abroad.
Evidence-based research highlights the benefits of being cared for with family close by in a familiar environment and with professional care giving.

Our program integrates rehabilitation into the daily activities. We work in close cooperation with both private and public hospitals and institutions.
