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ProConsult Advocates & Legal Consultants

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ProConsult Advocates & Legal Consultants is a leading Dubai law firm based in the UAE experienced enough to deal with the diverse and complex needs of clients seeking legal advice or planning to establish, structure or restructure their business, ventures or projects in the UAE.

We advise our clients on all aspects of dubai law and the UAE law in general from the drafting of contracts, incorporating companies and joint ventures, to Information technology, commerce, corporate law, banking, corporate finance, insurance, real estate, debt recovery and Labour Law. ProConsult possesses an intimate understanding of the local legal and economic markets as well as its governing laws and customs.

ProConsult acts as independent legal counsel to clients ranging from the small private client to the renowned multinational corporation.

We conduct litigation on behalf of our clients including property litigation and we have the right of audience before all UAE courts.

We are also registered with the Dubai International Financial Centre Court Register of Practitioners and are authorized to issue and conduct proceedings before the DIFC Courts.

ProConsult is officially registered in the List of Approved Registered Agents in accordance with the Offshore Companies Regulations of Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai.

ProConsult is a member of International Law Firms (ILF), an international network of firms with a first class reputation in the area of commercial legal services, with approximately 70 branches in 47 countries to date.

The firm is accordingly able to advise its clients and assist them professionally and adequately through its ILF Branch Offices in almost all jurisdictions of the world including Kuwait, KSA, UK, France, Germany, Spain and USA.

In brief, we focus on delivering a full range of legal services, especially those of a complex, high-profile, multinational nature.
