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Puthran Chartered Accountants

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Puthran Chartered Accountants established in 1987, is a progressive medium sized firm in UAE helping clients to accomplish their business and financial goals towards growth and profitability.

The 25 years history, background & business policy of the firm has ensured every client a constant access to the Partner. This approach and philosophy is quite evident in continuous and increased growth rate of the firm with offices in Dubai and Sharjah.

Puthran CAs provides full range of professional services, providing the clients with vital management information and decision support tools which are highly effective in quality improvement, cost reduction, increased profitability and overall performance.

The firm’s proximity to large and fast developing market in India through established contacts and Associates adds special significance to its services in this region.

The financial statements are prepared in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) set by International Financial Reporting Committee (IFRS).
