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RAKfix is a leading manufacturer of dry mix mortar based on cement, lime and gypsum. RAKfix is located in Ras Al Khaimah, which is well known for its high quality natural mineral resources.

RAKfix dry mix mortars are transported in dry form to the construction site, where only water is added to the dry mortar in specified quantity just before the application.

RAKfix has a wide range of machines to suit all applications and volume of work. For a large scale of plaster job, plastering machines with the silo system is the perfect solution. Plastering machines mix and spray the wet mortar on to the wall or ceiling where it is leveled and finished by skilled masons. RAKfix provides PFT G4 plastering machines to get a consistent quality of wet plaster mortar. AnRakfix uninterrupted supply of dry mix plaster from the silo, which stands at a convenient place, ensures a continuous work and high output. For high-rise towers relay stations are provided to convey the dry mortar to any desired height. For masonry mortar and screed RAKfix provides horizontal screw mixer for continuous supply of wet mortar.

RAKfix offers jobsite training for the masons for machine operation and application of dry mix products.

RAKfix dry mix mortars are designed in accordance with the relevant standard specifications of BS, ASTM and DIN. The product range includes different kind of plasters/renders, colored decorative renders, ordinary and special masonry mortars, screeds, concrete repair mortar and grouts.
