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Salt & Pepper

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What's life without a bit of SALT & PEPPER?

We are a motley crew of seasoned (no pun intended) industry professionals who are committed to add a dash of spice to your next event or promotion. In business-speak we are an independent award winning below the line marketing agency specializing in Events, Promotions and Brand Experiences.

From product launches, road shows and property inaugurations to gala dinners and business networking events, we bring brands to life with creativity and a pinch of originality to give consumers a memorable and hands-on experience.

We undertake extensive research, brainstorm and develop creative ideas. After meticulous planning and conceptualizing we work with the best in the business to bring ideas to life with impeccable execution. We manage the entire process till the actual event and the follow up and debriefing. In short, we ensure that you get to take it easy while we provide turnkey solutions and handle your event. Our vast and varied work experience on brands like BMW, Porsche, Audi, VW, P&G, Philip Morris, BASF, Nivea, HP, Nokia & others and managing large scale ticketed events, makes us the experts you can always rely on.

Our vast international experience and local knowledge guarantee a flawless and succesfull execution!

Our own database of hostesses, promoters and models guarantee the best in 'one-on-one' communication in the region. Besides our regular promotions in clubs, bars, malls, events, and supermarkets are we authorized to work in Duty Free zones of the local airports.

The latest addition is our Destination Management Division that adds spice to your group travel to our region.
