SCUBATEC Diving Center Logo

SCUBATEC Diving Center

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Scubatec Diving Center (L.L.C) is a 5 Star Instructor Development Course Center Licensed by the department of Economic Development in Dubai City, UAE and certified with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) since 1993.

20 years made SCUBATEC well known in Dubai as one of the founders of the diving sport in United Arab Emirates and the Middle East. We are proud of graduation thousands of students and hundreds of instructors in all levels, specialty’s and fields.

SCUBATEC prides itself on the personal touch and prefer smaller groups on a dive trip and courses so the Dive master/ instructor can dedicate more time and attention to the individuals were they are in the class room or under the sea. Our team of dedicated and professional instructors will ensure that you gain all the knowledge and experience required to be safe scuba diver.

Diving is one of the world’s fastest growing sports. Allow us, at Scubatec to show you the magic and thrill that the underwater world has to offer. With Scubatec you can be sure to have a memorable & exciting underwater experience.

We Sale and hire Diving Equipment, we have our own maintenance and repair workshop, giving all PADI courses and diving, snorkeling trips in UAE, and Oman.
